And if anyone recites them in the evening he will be guarded by them till the morning." Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu reported Allah's Messenger sallallahu alaihe wasallam as saying, "If anyone recites in the morning, Ha-Meem (of Surah Mumin) to Ilayhil Maseer (3rd aayah of the surah) and Aayatul Kursi, he will be guarded (from all kinds of evil) by them till the evening. Hazrat Abu Hurairah radiyallahu anhu reported Allah's.Īyatul Kursi MP3, is an easy to use application, is being provided to you to get the blessings of Allah Almighty by reciting on your devices and learning by heart. Ayatul Kursi MP3, is an easy to use application, is being provided to you to get the blessings of Allah Almighty by reciting on your devices and learning by heart.